Last week, on Jeopardy, there was a category called Female Firsts. I didn’t record the full text of the questions, but I thought it might be fun to quiz the readers of this blog on the women included, but in a different format.

Match the descriptions below (a through e) with the names (1 to 5). Answers appear at the bottom.

a. First Woman to ride in the Kentucky Derby

b. First Woman to receive a Pulitzer in history (for Reveille in Washington, 1942)

c. First Woman to receive a bronze star

d. First Woman to receive the Fields Medal in Mathematics (hint: She was the subject of a post on this blog.)

e. First Woman to be Speaker of the House of Commons in England

  1. Betty Booothroyd
  2. Cordelia Cork
  3. Diane Crump
  4. Margaret Leech
  5. Miryam Mirzakhan

Answers: a-3; b-4; c-2; d-5; e-1

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